posted by The Princess Shop |
December 29, 2018 10:32
Written by Heidi Anderson
I am very grateful for the volunteer position that I was given the opportunity to have over the past year at The Princess Shop.

In December 2017, I was looking for a consistent volunteer commitment that I could take on that would be of a benefit to my community. When I first heard about The Princess Shop I was interested in the idea that they are helping women in need and being apart of reducing and reusing grad dresses. Reducing and reusing are two concepts that I try and follow in my personal life. I love art and expression, but I feel like we live in an overly commercialized culture filled with so much stuff. On further inspection I learned about the rest of the programs – it is so much more than a dress. If a graduate uses The Dress Program they gain access to other programs and attendance at the main events. There is The Dress Program, The Next Chapter Program and The Fairy Godmother Program. The full name of The Princess Shop is The Princess Shop Mentorship and Female Youth Development Inc. The Princess Shop mission is to create an enhanced graduation experience for female-identified students in need, and provide them with mentorship, support, and the tools to pursue success after graduation.
My first meeting was overwhelming, and it took awhile to understand everything that The Princess Shop does, what was expected of me, and how the organization is run. It takes a lot for this organization to run effectively. Thankfully, the rest of the volunteers and Karen Robson the executive director were patient and understanding. They were also able to adapt with me as I went through some life changes like a work scheduling change. I felt supported by these women and that they wanted what was best for me. This was a refreshing change as in many avenues in my life I have felt a sense of rivalry from my female peers. I felt as if my volunteer contributions were appreciated! As women we should be all be trying to encourage one another and build each other’s self esteem. Empowered women empower women.

I took on the position of the Fairy Godmother Program Coordinator. I felt this was the right fit for me as I have an interest in and a background in education. The Fairy Godmother Program is a mentorship program and it was sponsored by TD. An interested princess graduate is partnered up with a woman in the community that wants to be a mentor to a princess graduate. All the participants were interviewed and matched into pairs. These women keep in touch throughout each month. They are also expected to attend monthly activities that are put on from September to March. This season we have had a lawn games activity, a pumpkin painting activity, a skin care workshop with local business Green Tree Beauty, and a holiday party so far.

It was great to see the connections made! Mentorship is a learning opportunity for the mentee and the mentor. Even though attendance was a struggle at times for the participants, it didn’t take away from the value of the program. It was clear that it was making a difference for the people who were apart of it. Having the program as an option available for those that want to utilize it, is a value in and of its self. Having someone that supports you and is your cheer leader in life is so important for your personal growth. Imagine never having that and then getting the opportunity to have that! I love that each season past matches can continue to be apart of the program. My wish for the Fairy Godmother Program is that it grows. If you want to be a role model in a princess graduate’s life, please apply to be a Fairy Godmother as The Princess Shop will be seeking new fairy godmothers to join the program next season.
The Dress Program
Being at dress choosing appointments, it is interesting to see all the sorts of people that use The Dress Program and what their style preferences are. The participants are encouraged to choose something that interests them. At The Princess Shop there is so many styles of dresses, shoes and accessories to choose from and you are encouraged to be you. I really liked complimenting the ladies when they found a dress and seeing how appreciative they were for the experience. My favorite comment from a graduate when choosing a dress and accessories was, “I feel like Beyonce.”
Graduation Days
On the graduation day it is a very busy and exciting time! The graduates can have their hair and makeup done and get professional photos taken. Seeing the graduates light up is very rewarding for all involved. My favorite moment on a grad day was watching an elderly lady who was about to graduate and she brought her son with her. She explained that over the years she wasn’t often able to make herself a priority and was very nervous for graduation. As she was done up and went to pictures, you could see the confidence in herself build.

The Perfectly Pink Appreciation BBQ
The BBQ is a great time to gather with all the princess shop participants, their families and supporting community members. We had such a great turn out this year and almost all the food was eaten! There was even a bouncy castle for the children. During the BBQ the recipients of the scholarships from the next chapter program were announced! This BBQ has been sponsored by a Fairy Godmother Kari Calder of Kari Calder Realty for a very long time which provides the opportunity for Princess Graduates and their families to attend at no cost.
The Next Chapter Program
The Next Chapter Program is The Princess Shop’s scholarship program. What I really appreciate about the Next Chapter Program is that it doesn’t matter how many years ago you utilized the dress program, you are still able to apply for the scholarships! If The Princess Shop exists, a past Dress Program participant is able to apply to those scholarships. There are so many great scholarship opportunities and learning workshops offered through the program. At the Glass Slipper Benefit this year a scholarship opportunity was bid on and $9,300 was raised!
The Glass Slipper Benefit for Princesses presented by K+S Potash Canada
The Glass Slipper Benefit is the largest fundraiser event put on by The Princess Shop. Lots of work is put into this event and planning begins very early on every year. Sponsors and silent auction items are gathered from all around our community. It is very inspiring listening to the speeches given at the gala by past princess graduates explaining how the princess shop has impacted their life.

If you are interested in going to the Glass Slipper Benefit, it is best to get your ticket early as it saves you money.

There are many fundraising events that are put on all year round by The Princess Shop like the upcoming cupcake contest held on January 29th of this year during the Nutrien WinterShines Festival. The Cupcake Contest is where bakers compete by creating a cupcake modeled off a dress from The Princess Shop and guests get to judge and decide what cupcake was their favorite. It’s only $10 to attend and sample all of the cupcakes. The Princess Shop is always interested in different creative fundraising ideas, so they can continue to have the funds to run.
Unfortunately, I cannot continue as the Fairy Godmother Coordinator as I will be moving out of the city and have travel plans in 2019. I will however continue to show support in the ways that I can. The Princess Shop is always seeking help in many ways from small to large commitments. Please reach out and contact them if you want to contribute in any way. 
I am approaching ten years since I graduated high school. At that time, I really did not see that much significance on the day of graduation. I viewed it in many ways just like any other day and that graduating high school wasn’t that big of a deal. As I have lived my life for the past ten years and reflected, I have seen the value in celebrating positive moments and successes in life. Life is simply too short not to celebrate.

Tags: advancement of women, back to school, Benefit, Best Cupcake Saskatoon, best saskatoon non profit, Best Saskatoon non-profit, charity, causes to donate to, Canada clothing donation, christmas season, communications, community, clothing donation, community event saskatoon, community investment, Cupcake Contest, Cupcake Contest Saskatoon, Cupcakes Saskatoon, dinner fundraiser, disadvantaged women, Donate, donate grad dress, donate graduation dress, donate saskatoon, donating dresses, donation, donations, dress donation, dress, dress donation saskatoon, dress lending program saskatoon, dress program, Dress Program Sponsor, Dresses in Saskatoon, empower women, event planning, events in Saskatoon, Fairy Godmother Mentorship Program, Fairy Godmother Program, female empowerment, Female Youth Development, female-identified program, fundraise, fundraiser, formal dress, fundraising, fundraisers, fundraising saskatoon, Gala, gala fundraiser, gala saskatoon, Give Back, Glass Slipper, Glass Slipper Benefit for Princesses Saskatoon, Glass Slipper Gala, Glass Slipper Saskatoon, Glass Slipper YXE, grad dress, grad, grad dress donations, Grad Dress Program, Grad Fashion, Grad Fashion Show, grad support, grad support saskatoon, grade 12, Graduation, graduation dress, graduation day, graduation dress donation, Graduation Dress Saskatoon, graduation emergency kit, graduation help, graduation opportunity, graduation photos, graduation program, graduation saskatoon, graduation season, graduation support, happy new year, help for graduation, help in saskatoon, help saskatoon, High School Graduation, K+S Potash Canada, kari calder realty, Kinsmen sponsorship, leadership, local nonprofit, Making a Difference, mentor, mentorship, mentorship program, mentorship matters, mentorship saskatoon, New Members, non profit, nonprofit, nonprofit saskatoon, Nutrien Wintershines, Perfectly Pink BBQ, princess graduates, Princess Shop, Program Sponsorship, prom dress donation, re-purposing, Sask community, sask support, saskatchewan, sask grad, saskatchewan charity, Saskatchewan community, Saskatchewan fundraiser, saskatchewan graduation, saskatchewan nonprofit, saskatchewan volunteers, saskatoon, saskatoon at risk youth, Saskatoon benefit, saskatoon charity, Saskatoon Community, Saskatoon Cupcake, saskatoon desserts, saskatoon donations, Saskatoon Dresses, saskatoon empowerment, saskatoon events, Saskatoon Fundraiser, Saskatoon fundraising event, Saskatoon gala, Saskatoon grad, saskatoon grad rental, saskatoon graduation, Saskatoon Graduation Dress, Saskatoon graduation support, saskatoon help, saskatoon high school, saskatoon jewelry, saskatoon local, saskatoon mentors, saskatoon mentorship, saskatoon mentorship program, saskatoon nonprofit, saskatoon sponsors, saskatoon sponsorship, saskatoon volunteer, saskatoon volunteer opportunities, saskatoon volunteer students, saskatoon volunteering, saskatoon women, saskatoon women of distinction, saskatoon young women entrepreneurs, silent auction, sponsorship, sponsorship saskatoon, Sponsorships, support community saskatoon, Supporting Youth, TD Bank, TD empowers women, TD Saskatoon, TD Women in Leadership, Thank You, The Dress Program, the princess shop, The Princess Shop fundraiser, the princess shop saskatoon, ticket sales, volunteer in yxe, volunteer in saskatoon, Volunteer, volunteer opportunities, volunteer opportunities saskatoon, volunteer saskatoon, volunteer student saskatoon, volunteering, volunteering saskatoon, Volunteers, where to donate saskatoon, where to volunteer in saskatoon, Winter Saskatoon, Winter Festival Saskatoon, wintershines festival saskatoon, women empowerment, women empowerment saskatoon, women helping women saskatoon, Wîtaskêwin, Women in Leadership, women support, yoga, youth, yxe sponsorship, YXE, yxe cupcake, Youth Program, youth development, yxe donations, yxe fundraiser, yxe mentorship, yxe volunteer opportunities, yxe volunteering, yxe volunteers, yxe grad
posted by The Princess Shop |
September 26, 2018 12:38
Don't have much time to join our volunteer team as a coordinator? No problem. While we are looking for the right people to fill those important roles, we also thrive from the additional support we receive through various ways that don't require year-round commitment.

#1 Follow us on Social Media
We mean actually following the page and sharing our posts and engaging with them (liking and commenting). This keeps us relevant in the feed and raises awareness of our successes and programs. Maybe you'll be the connection between us and a new sponsor or volunteer? Who knows?
Find us on Facebook & Instagram
#2 Join our Helping Hands list
This is a casual volunteer opportunity and the commitment is when you choose it to be! Those on our Helping Hands list receive emails when we are seeking help. Those who can, sign up; those who cannot, continue with their day as if nothing happened. No stress! Options range from Glass Slipper event help to Dress Appointment support. Email us with your contact information if you're interested! Contact us to put your name and email on this list.
#3 Coming Forward with a Special Skill You'd Like to Contribute
Do you enjoy sewing? There are plenty of small sewing jobs on dresses that range from beginner to expert. We have sewing supplies here so you can just come on in during our office hours and repair some dresses! Other ideas are running errands for us such as picking up donations from our donation partners, or coming forward with a fundraising idea!
#4 Attend an Event (and Bring All Your Friends)
As a small nonprofit organization doing big things in our community, we really rely on support from all angles. We do our own fundraising throughout the year, and would love to have you attend one of our many amazing events throughout the year (hint: Save the Date for April 10th - Glass Slipper Benefit).
#5 Join our Core Volunteer Team
Okay - so we have to add this option in just in case! Are you ready to jump in and be a part of the decision-making and direct impact? Check out our volunteer positions currently open by clicking here. Being a part of the core team provides so much benefit such as a new perspective, practicing real interpersonal and professional skills, enhancing your creative brainstorming, and seeing your ideas come to life because we can!
We are always happy to help and answer your questions, so contact us!

Tags: yxe grad, yxe volunteers, yxe mentorship, yxe volunteer opportunities, yxe volunteering, yxe events, yxe fundraiser, yxe event, YXE, Youth Program, youth development, youth, Women in Leadership, women support, women helping women saskatoon, women helping women, women empowerment saskatoon, women empowerment, Volunteers, volunteering saskatoon, volunteer Saskatoon, volunteer student saskatoon, volunteering, volunteer opportunities, volunteer opportunity saskatoon, volunteer in yxe, volunteer in saskatoon, Volunteer, The Princess Shop fundraiser, the princess shop saskatoon, The Princess Shop, Supporting Youth, support community saskatoon, sponsors, Sponsor, sponsorship saskatoon, service clubs saskatoon, saskatoon young women entrepreneurs, saskatoon women, Saskatoon volunteers, saskatoon volunteering, saskatoon volunteer students, saskatoon sponsorship, Saskatoon Mentorship Program, saskatoon nonprofit, saskatoon mentorship, Saskatoon graduation support, saskatoon help, Saskatoon Graduation, Saskatoon Graduation Dress, saskatoon grad rental, Saskatoon grad, saskatoon events, saskatoon fundraiser, saskatoon empowerment, Saskatoon Dresses, saskatoon donations, saskatoon at risk youth, saskatoon, saskatchewan volunteers, community event saskatoon, community, community investment, clothing donation
posted by The Princess Shop |
September 10, 2018 14:34
Stepping into the role of Volunteer Representative is not what you would expect, or at least in comparison to my own previous volunteer experience, not what I expected.
It's been more than - and better than - I envisioned. Every week I attend a weekly meeting with a group of successful and motivating women. We're surrounded by beautiful donated gowns, shoes and accessories. We brainstorm, goal set, get off track for a moment and laugh, and are constantly re-evaluating every aspect of the organization to ensure we have a positive impact on not only our Princess Graduates but our community as whole. By the end of the meeting, were assigned chosen tasks to meet our goals and out into the community we go. We fundraise, network with donors and sponsors and build lasting relationships.

While this is happening, me and other Volunteer Representatives along with individuals from our list of 'Helping Hands', conduct dress appointments which is by far, one of the most fulfilling duties. We simply consult with the graduate about her wants and needs for grad day and beyond. We outline the different programs The Princess Shop offers and ultimately attempt to be the bridge between adversity and prosperity. Once graduation season arrives, it's a whirlwind of wearing many different hats. We go from being a graduate's personal assistant to being a team player of the salons were in and out of.
Every so often, were pulled aside by a graduate who feels graduation and everything that comes with this major achievement, would not be possible without the organization. Rather it was through lending her a dress, providing her with a scholarship or simply being a mentor in her life, we've alleviated hardship in more ways than one. We're thanked and told that we should be proud of the work we do. And when the graduates acknowledge our work and display appreciation for all that we do, it is only a bonus. Because I can tell you, that is not why myself or our team, volunteer for The Princess Shop.
I volunteer because of everything I just shared with you. Though it is only a glimpse of the expectations and experiences that come with the position. If you read between the lines, it's quite easy to recognize that this organization pushes you to become better for yourself and the community. It's a doorway to seeing what community means and what our community offers. It's a way to feel empowered through empowering other women. It further develops various life skills that one utilizes in their everyday life. Skills such as Communication and Leadership skills. And it overall provides you with an experience that changes your life while changing others' lives.

Chelsey is one of a group of amazing individuals who make The Princess Shop a magical place through their passion and dedication. Does this sound like your kind of crew? We are looking to fill some more roles and would love to have you if this post spoke to you. Click here!
Tags: advancement of women, back to school, best saskatoon non profit, Best Saskatoon non-profit, Canada clothing donation, causes to donate to, celebrate, changing season, charity, clothing donation, community, saskatoon, community investment, disadvantaged women, donate, donate grad dress, donate graduation dress, donate saskatoon, donating dresses, donations, dress donation, dress, dress donation saskatoon, dress lending program saskatoon, Dresses in Saskatoon, empower women, event planning, events in Saskatoon, female empowerment, Female Youth Development, female-identified program, formal dress, fundraiser, fundraiser saskatoon, fundraising coordinator, fundraising saskatoon, Give Back, Glass Slipper, grad dress, grad dress donations, grad dress program, Grad Fashion, grad support, grad support saskatoon, grade 12, graduation, graduation day, graduation dress, graduation dress donation, Graduation Dress Saskatoon, graduation help, graduation opportunity, graduation photos, graduation program, graduation saskatoon, graduation season, graduation support, help for graduation, help in saskatoon, help saskatoon, high school graduation, local nonprofit, leadership, mentors, mentorship, mentorship matters, mentorship program, mentorship saskatoon, non profit, princess shop, Program Sponsorship, re-purposing, Sask community, sask grad, sask support, saskatchewan, saskatchewan charity, saskatchewan graduation, Saskatchewan fundraiser, saskatchewan volunteers, saskatoon at risk youth, Saskatoon benefit, saskatoon charity, saskatoon community, saskatoon donations, Saskatoon Dresses, saskatoon empowerment, saskatoon fundraiser, Saskatoon fundraising event, saskatoon grad rental, Saskatoon Graduation Dress, Saskatoon graduation support, saskatoon nonprofit, Saskatoon Sponsorship, saskatoon volunteer opportunities, Saskatoon volunteer, saskatoon volunteer students, saskatoon volunteering, Saskatoon volunteers, saskatoon women, saskatoon women of distinction, saskatoon young women entrepreneurs, scholarships, service clubs saskatoon, support community saskatoon, support women, Supporting Youth, Supporting Youthbest saskatoon non profit, The Princess Shop, Volunteer, volunteer in yxe, volunteer in saskatoon, volunteer opportunities, volunteer opportunity saskatoon, volunteer Saskatoon, volunteer student saskatoon, volunteering, volunteering saskatoon, Volunteers, women empowerment, women empowerment saskatoon, Women in Leadership, women support, youth development, Youth Program, yxe, yxe fundraiser, yxe grad, yxe events, yxe mentorship, yxe volunteer opportunities, yxe volunteering, yxe volunteers