Q. How can I make a donation?
A. Click here to learn about the types of donations The Princess Shop accepts, along with our dress donation forms.
Q. What can I donate?
A. The Princess Shop accepts formal dresses, bridesmaid dresses, high-heel/formal footwear, hair accessories, jewelry, and handbags/clutches. We do not accept undergarments.
Q. What if I live out of town and want to donate items?
A. No problem! If you live out of town, donations can be mailed to:
The Princess Shop
12 – 1622 Ontario Ave
Saskatoon SK, S7K 1S8
Q. How are donated items used?
A. The Princess Shop accepts the donation of dresses, shoes, jewelry, etc. for our inventory. Items will be stored at The Princess Shop head office in Saskatoon, where girls in need are able to come in for personal appointments to find the perfect dress.
Q. Who will the donated items be supplied for?
A. The items will be available for use by women, girls and 2SLGBTQ+ graduates each year who would otherwise find the graduation season financially challenging. Current Princess Graduates are able to borrow items from The Princess Shop for their graduation. Following use, all items will be dry cleaned so that many future Princess Graduates can continue to use the items.
Q. So my donation can be used year after year?
A. Yes! The Princess Shop lends the dress out to Princess Graduates and then gets it back so that future graduates have the opportunity to select the dress.
Q. How do you decide who gets the donated items?
A. Our program is advertised through high school guidance counselors, posters, the media, and use of our website and social media pages. Young women, girls and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals ho are interested in the program must submit an application form and declare their need, so we can get to know them a bit better and receive their contact information. We will contact each individual to set up a personal dress appointment. We will not take applicants through an interview process to determine who will benefit most from the program because we believe that the program is self-selecting. Our dream is to not turn anyone away – this is why we need donations!
Q. I don't have a social and/or financial need. Can I just give a donation to borrow a dress?
A. While that is a very nice offer, we are not able to lend out dresses to those who do not identify as in need and not otherwise able to afford to attend their celebration feeling equivalent to their peers. “In need” is understood as an individual who perceives herself as “lacking the opportunities, experiences, or advantages enjoyed by peers in her community, socially, or economically.” Dress donations, cash donations, and volunteer time is all given to The Princess Shop to help us fulfill our mission and vision. To divert our focus to those not in need would harm the integrity of our purpose as a charitable non-profit organization. We need to ensure our resources, both financially and volunteer time, are being used to the fullest advantage of those in need, because that is how we will be able to achieve our vision.
Q. Is there an organization that helps young men with their tux rentals?
A. We are not aware of an organization in Saskatchewan that helps male graduates with tuxes and suits for graduation. However, if there was interest by a group to start up an organization focusing on male graduates we would be more than willing to help with education and literary resources. Our organization focuses solely on improving the self-confidence of women, girls and 2SLGBTQ+ students, and providing an equivalent graduation experience.
Q. Do you provide your services for Grade 8 Graduates?
A. At this time, The Princess Shop is focusing on the Grade 12 graduation event. We lend dresses and accessories to Grade 8 graduates in need for their special day, but we are not able to provide the full graduation services package currently available to Saskatoon Grade 12 graduates.
Q. Can I still apply the Dress Program if I live outside of Saskatoon?
A. Yes, we support Graduates in many communities across Saskatchewan. You can travel to our Saskatoon chapter for your dress appointment.
We will also be offering pop-up shops in select communities across the province. Please email info@theprincessshop.ca for more details.
Q. Is there a cost for the program?
A. The Princess Shop’s dress lending program is provided free of charge. However, all Princesses are subject to a small deposit, to be reimbursed in full when the dress is returned.
In-town Princess Graduates: All individuals living in a centre where we have established a chapter (Saskatoon) will work with the designated regional chapter representatives to arrange for a dress appointment in Saskatoon. A $40.00 deposit fee will be required for the dress – to be reimbursed in full when the dress is returned.
Out-of-town Princess Graduates: For individuals living outside of Saskatoon must arrange transportation to come to Saskatoon for a fitting. A $60.00 deposit fee will be required for the dress – to be reimbursed in full when the dress is returned.
Deposits are due before or at the very beginning of the dress fitting. Only cash will be accepted for deposit payments. The dress appointment will not begin until full payment of the dress deposit has been received.
Q. How do I apply for The Princess Shop’s program?
A. If you are a Grade 12 female or 2SLGBTQ+ student, graduating this year, and do not live in a centre where we have established a chapter (Saskatoon), please complete and submit the Out of Town Dress Program Application Form. Out of Town Princess Graduates must arrange their own transportation to come to Saskatoon for a fitting. You will be required to pay a $60.00 deposit fee for the dress – to be reimbursed in full when the dress is returned.
If you are a Grade 12 female student, graduating this year, and live in a centre where we have established a chapter (Saskatoon), please complete and submit the Saskatoon Grade 12 Dress Program Application Form. In-town Princess Graduates will be able to work with the designated regional chapter representatives to arrange your dress appointment in Saskatoon and will be required to pay an $40.00 deposit fee for the dress – to be reimbursed in full when the dress is returned.
If you are a Grade 8 graduate, please complete and submit the Grade 8 Dress Program Application Form. Please note that dress deposit fees will also apply – to be reimbursed in full when the dress is returned.
Q. What is the best way to submit an application form?
A. By email or by dropping it off in the mail box (all information is on the application form). We do not accept faxes.
Q. Who can apply?
A. Any female-identified student that is graduating from a recognized program in Saskatchewan who can indicate a financial and/or social need for The Princess Shop's services. We do not discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. We wish to create an equivalent graduation experience, and anyone who wishes to celebrate in a dress may apply!
Q. Is The Princess Shop wheelchair friendly/accessible?
A. Yes! The Princess Shop is on ground level, with one door to access the space. The fitting room dimensions can also accommodate a wheelchair or other assistive devices. As for parking, please call ahead and we will ensure our staff parking spot right in front of our door is left available for accessible parking.
Q. Where can I drop off donations or come for my dress appointment?
A. You can't miss 1622 Ontario Ave on the corner of 38th St E and Ontario Ave (gray building with teal rooftop), but you won't see #12 unless you drive into the parking lot and follow the numbers - we are in the back bay not visible from the street.